Air Purifiers and Filters are important if you are recovering from alternative cancer therapy
Oddly enough, people who are Vegans in their diet, wear only 100% cotton clothes, and meditate two hours a day seldom have the air in their homes or offices purified because they are unaware of the dangers in not doing so. According to the World Health Organization, fact sheet #292, “Every year, indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people–that’s one death every 20 seconds.” USA Today, had this to say, Exposures “may be causing mutations in a child’s cells that begin the pathway to cancer,” says Philip Landrigan, one of the nation’s foremost experts on pediatric medicine and a physician at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. “Those mutations, once they take place, they’re hard-wired,” Landrigan says. BEGIN THE PATHWAY TO CANCER? We have underestimated this threat by a country mile!
Air Purifiers and Filters are not an option any more
What kind to get? There are hundreds of kinds and models from which to choose. There are basically two kinds of units. A Purifier is best at reducing mold, mildew and viruses. Usually it involves low levels of ozone generated by UV light or an electrostatic plate. Currently I have three of them running in my house. In addition, I have an air filter that is best for reducing airborne pollen, dead human skin, and other things that make us go sneeze in the night. Check our shopping cart for models and pricing. The key is to be purifying the air in your home with and Air Purifier or Filter.